Thursday, October 14, 2010


Who's afraid of coyotes? Well I am a little afraid of most animals and I am certainly afraid of coyotes. I want to believe it is a healthy fear, but sometimes I wonder. On the other hand, some people think they can communicate with animals and there is nothing to fear. These people are misguided idiots. They are WILD animals. Wild animals do not know you are being nice and trying to make friends. Dolphins do not want to meet you or swim with you. Bears are people too. Um - no they're not. Snakes, turtles, spiders are not pets.

Back to coyotes. According to wikipedia - get ready for this one - there are 20,000 coyotes in the greater Chicago area. Hello. Nice coyote.

The short story - be afraid if you encounter a coyote in a suburban or urban area. More afraid in an urban area. Even more afraid if there are 2-3 coyotes. If you are in the park, you should consider yourself lucky to even see a coyote. They are nocturnal, after all. In the park they will probably have plenty of other stuff to prey upon. Human runner is not as good as small sheep or vole or rabbit at least not to a coyote.

This photo is courtesy of Rebecca Richardson

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posted by UncleRick @ 10:12 PM   1 Comments

Friday, October 08, 2010


How do you prioritize your running? These last couple of months I have been getting my running in whenever I can / wherever I can. The runs have been fun and I am not complaining. However, I am not in real good running shape. Some of you may know someone who always has running at the absolute top of their priority list. That is not me me. I have a wife and daughter and new job. Sadly, I know someone who got a divorce because running was always at the top of the list. I bet you know someone who has gone out for a run even though they were injured - hope that one does not hit home with you. Think about it.

Running is moving up my list for the next couple of months. There may be a day or two when it is at the top of the list, but not too many and not two days in a row.

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posted by UncleRick @ 10:42 AM   0 Comments